Importance of the Parent-Child Relationship

Hello Everybody! I apologize for the long hiatus.

Today I wanted to focus on the importance of the Parent-Child Relationship.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or if you are noticing some changes in your child, such as mood changes, excessive worries and fears, or difficulty with regulating their emotions, I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if your child can benefit from counseling services. Click here to schedule your phone consultation with me!

(Costa Mesa, CA. Orange County, Children, Parenting, Play Therapy, Play, Counseling)

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Be a thermostat, not a thermometer!

Sometimes we lose it with our children, their behaviors are escalating, refusing to go to bed, getting daily phone calls from the school staff complaining how "bad" little Johnny or Sally has been in school today, or just giving you the silent treatment. It is natural for all parents to get frustrated and start to raise our voice, maybe even threaten to spank them if they did not perk up. Does this sound familiar?

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Parenting Tip Series

Parenting Tip Series. I will be starting a bi-monthly blog about different parenting information and strategies that I use with parents I see in my practice. Want to enhance you relationship with your child? See you child in a different way that you never have? I am a child and adolescent therapist, and a Registered Play therapist, practicing in Costa Mesa, CA in Orange County. Contact me for your free 15 minutes consultation to see how I can help you and your child. For more information about my practice please click here.

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Finding a Child Therapist in Orange County, Costa Mesa, CA.

Typically parents will seek counseling or therapy for their children when other professionals, whether it may be the school counselor, the child's pediatrician, or even the parent's own therapist suggest their child could benefit from counseling or therapy. Or parent's notice a change in their child's mood, increase in anxiety, isolating from peers and family, the child experiencing the stress of his/her parents going through a high conflicted divorce, or experienced a traumatic event (physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect, medical trauma, etc).

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